Lauter Fäden führen...

Dienstag, 10. Juli 2012

Zuckerguß ist ein Muß!

Bei meinem derzeitigen Projekt muß ich immer wieder unwillkürlich an Süßigkeiten denken, was wohl sicherlich der Farbzusammenstellung in Maigrün und Pink geschuldet ist!
Und wenn der Spencer mich insgesamt an eine leckere Süßigkeit erinnert, so kann man die Details doch getrost als Zuckerguß bezeichnen.
Zu den Verzierungen zählen unter anderem vier kleine Knöpfe am Gürtel. Bei dem Original sind sie mit der grünen Seide des Stoffes bezogen, ich habe mich allerdings für Zwirnknöpfe in Rosa und Grün entschieden und zwar aus dem Grund, da mein Stoff kein eigentliches Rosa enthält, sondern ein Rot, welches durch die vielen bonbonfarbenen "Zutaten" letztendlich zumindest Rosa wirken soll.
My current project often made me think of sweets/candies, which of course is due to the spring green and light pink colour of the fabric!
And while the spencer reminds me of sweets, the details could be surely termed as icing of the cake.
There are these four tiny buttons on the belt in the back. The original buttons are spring green and made of the silk fabric, but I decided on pink and green deathhead's buttons for a reason. My choice of cotton fabric isn't true pink, but red, hence with the addition of pink "ingredients" it seems to reflect red as pink hopefully.
Die klitzekleinen Knöpfe für den Gürtel
The wee little buttons for the belt

Noch eher an besagten Zuckerguß erinnert mich aber die Verzierung am Ärmelaufschlag. Dort erkennt man wunderschöne Spitze und ein Rüschenband (das ursprünglich wohl mal ein helles Rosa war, nun aber ins Cremefarbene verblasst ist).
Even more icing is the embelishment on the cuffs. There's this beautiful lace and a ruched band (which was originally a light pink, but faded into a lovely cream).
Der originale Ärmelaufschlag (Quelle: met museum)
The original cuff (source: met museum)

Leider hatte ich kein derartiges Seidenband mit schönem Webkantenabschluß zur Verfügung, weshalb ich mich dazu entschieden habe, einen Streifen Seidenstoff (Breite etwa 3 cm, Länge etwa 1.20m) mit geschwungenen Kanten zu verwenden.
Unfortunately I didn't have such beautiful silk ribbon, thus I decided on a strip with scalloped edges cut from silk (width appr. 1.2 inch, lenght approx. 47 inch).

Hier erkannt man die geschwungenen Kanten, die im übrigen ein Ausfransen ein wenig mindern. Die Verzierung ist mit ein wenig Übung recht einfach anzubringen. Am besten man arbeitet - wie beim Original - frei nach Augenmaß.
A good view on the scalloped edges, which help prevent fraying. With a little exercise the ruched ribbon is easy to add. I recommend to work according to guesstimate - like on the original piece.

Den Seidenstoff in vier kleine Falten legen...
Fold the fabric in four small pleats...

...der Faden ist vor den Falten von der Unterseite her geankert und wird über die Falten von hinten nach vorn duchstochern...
...the thread is anchored in front of the pleats from the left side of the fabric and is then pulled through with the needle from the back of pleats...

...die Falten legen sich beim Festnähen nach vorn... pulling the pleats and fastening them they will get folded to the front...

 ...nun müssen die Falten nur noch nach hinten geöffnet und mit einem kleinen Stich in der Mitte gehalten werden... the pleats will be opened to the back and secured with a stitch...

...und dann zur nächsten Rüsche...
...and on to the next ruche...

...bis der Ärmelaufschlag fertig ist...lecker, oder?!
...until the cuff is completely done...yummy, isn't it?!

18 Kommentare:

  1. oh, that is just beautiful beyond words!!

  2. Sabine, wow, gorgeous! Thank you for teaching us how to do the ruching on the cuff. I've always wandered how to make the ruching look sort of 'round' or flower shaped, like it is on you example. Now I know! Do you know how much fabric/ribbon it takes to ruche a cuff? With all of the pleats, I would think it would be quite a lot of fabric. I want to reference this for future projects.

    1. The ribbon/cut silk strip has a length of approx. 47 inch for each cuff. You can also take short pieces and add them, as you can hide the end/beginning of each piece very well under the rosettes. The pleats have to be very tiny. In my opinion four pleats worked best, but the original has only three pleats.

  3. OMG! The buttons. Will you do a tutorial on that? Or have you done one before on your blog? Oh my, I love your work and your sharing. Thanks for visiting mine, I appreciate you taking the time. Anyway, would love to learn how to do those buttons, is that too bold to ask? :) Anyway, I am learning so much from your blog. Thank you so much.

    1. Thank you very much!
      Actually there are some very good tutorials on deathhead's buttons on the net already. One can be found here:
      And the other is a youtube tutorial by Mme du Jard:
      Instead of the wooden molds with the hole in the middle, I usually take old bedspreadbuttons (Wäscheknöpfe) covered with linen. It works quite well, too, but you have to take a needle and secure the thread on the backside of the button with each row.
      Hope this helps :)

    2. Thank you so much. I will check out these tutorials. Looking forward to more posts on your endeavors. Cheers. Angela

  4. Ooooh!!! I can't wait to see the whole thing! It's looking amazing so far :D

  5. Super!! Vielen Dank für die Anleitung! Das merk ich mir, um's in ein zukünftiges Projekt einzubringen :)

  6. ¡Realmente delicioso, un trabajo encantador! Me fascina enormemente lo bien que trabajas y el mimo y delicadeza que empleas en cada puntada. ¡Mi más sincera enhorabuena!

    ¡Un abrazo enorme!

  7. Yummy indeed! I can't wait to see it completed.

  8. Vielen Dank für die lieben Kommentare!
    Thank you!
    Muchas Gracias!

  9. Dear Sabine,
    If these aren't the handsome-est ruchings this side of a top millinery shop, I don't know what are. Mmm, mmm, better than a darkest chocolate truffle with orange liqueur!

    Thanks so much for that tutorial. Very clear indeed. Can't wait to employ it.



  10. Ooo, Sabine! LOVE your buttons! You have such attention to detail! Every stitch appears to be perfectly placed. I can't wait to see them on the fabric for your spencer.

    And your cuffs! That ruching is fabulous! Thanks for showing us how it's done. I'll be sure to refer back to that at some point in the future.

    Really, really beautiful! I look forward to seeing the finished project.

    Best, Quinn

  11. I am very excited to try that ribbon trim. It looks beautiful. I have made regency style dresses before but never with the accuracy or details.
    Your blog is beautiful.

    1. Thank you very much for your kind comment. Hope you have fun adding the ribbon trim to your garment, it's a bit fiddly first but totally worth the effort :)

  12. Beautiful and gotta try this one, well a lot of things on here I have to try. oxoxxoxo

    1. Thank you! I'm happy you've found some inspiration here :)
