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Mittwoch, 20. April 2011

Mir ist so maigrün im April

Ich hab es ja immer schon geahnt: Bücher sind gefährlich!
Und das hat sich mal wieder bestätigt, als ich letzte Woche den langersehnten und wunderschönen Band "Napoleon and the Empire of Fashion" (kaufen!) erhielt.
Bereits nach einigem Blättern stieß ich auf das perfekte Frühlingskleid und war "gezwungen" den passenden Stoff dazu sofort zu bestellen - seufz...
Somehow I always knew: books are dangerous!
And I got the proof, when I've received the longawaited and beautiful book "Napoleon and the empire of fashion" (buy it!).
Only after a very short leafing through the pages I stumbled upon the perfect spring dress and I was "forced" to order proper fabric immediately - sigh...
Ich habe den Modekupfer von 1812 schon einmal gesehen, allerdings war das Kleid dort in Blau coloriert - nichts im Vergleich zu diesem wunderbaren, fröhlichen Grün.
I have already seen this fashion plate from 1812 before, but colored in Blue - which is nothing in comparison to this amazing, jolly Green.

Da wird man mich demnächst im heimischen Garten gut suchen mü grünt so grün!
It will be difficult to spot me during spring in our backyard...
Nach Verleihung des "Guthe Hausmutter" Awards durch die fabelhafte Mme du Jard noch ein kleiner Einblick in unseren hinteren Garten, in dem ich derzeit  - durch die Büsche kriechend - die Nachmittage verbringe, um alles frühlingstauglich für unser Picknick demnächst zu bekommen.
After being rewarded with the "Goode Housewife" award by the lovely Mme du Jard recently, here's another view from our backyard, where I currently spend my afternoons, crawling under shrubs and trees, to get everything tidy in time for our upcoming picnic!

7 Kommentare:

  1. Dear Sabine,
    That green, that dress, that ruche along the bottom. Could anything be more symbolic of the merry days of May? You are going to have such fun with it.

    Thank you too for the additional views of the garden. It is so beautifully designed. You have a garden house... [I just sighed.] Just as Mme. du Jard noticed, as tidy as can be. No wonder you have been tired. Still, it's excellent exercise. Our back garden is not so large, and with small boys there are limits to what we can do, but it is so nice to dream.

    Very best,


  2. Your garden is lovely! I got the book too, talk about amazing!!!! I love the fabric and the dress. I can't wait to see the finished product!

  3. Kann Dir nur recht geben - das Buch ist wirklich voller schöner Ideen *seufz*

    Freu mich schon auf Dein Frühlingskleid!

  4. Dear Sabine, your dresses are most beautiful and I have question: How many meters of materials you need for the one empire dress? Could it be to sew from Muslin?

  5. Thank you! Dankeschön! Ich freu mich auch schon sehr auf das neue Kleid!!!

    @Natalie: I'm very glad that I have the best neighbors ever, because instead of building fences in the back yard we decided to give a miniature english landscape garden a try. (Which is also a treat to the deers in the close-by Lots of rhododendrons and trees, small hideaways and quite low maintanance. Next time I'll try to catch the whole garden on a photo, here it's mostly "our" part of the grounds.
    And I am very proud to admit that the little "Japanese Tea House" was designed and built by my lovely husband.

    @atelierpolonaise: I usually purchase four meters of fabric for a long sleeved dress (width 1,40 to 1,60 metres)...sometimes I only need three metres, depends on the skirt and on the decoration. Unfortunately I haven't found the perfect muslin, yet. My white dress for example was made of very fine cotton batiste. Hope this answers your question?!


  6. Ja, kenn das Buch auch! Sehr schön!
    Bin schon gespannt auf dein Frühlingskleid!!!

  7. Sabine, Thank you! I find muslin in small shop in my city, but I cannot sure that it is a really muslin. It seems to difficult to find.

