Lauter Fäden führen...

Mittwoch, 6. April 2011

Rund um die Öhrnadel

Am vergangenen Wochenende war es endlich soweit:
unsere erste kleine Ausstellung.
Bei strahlendem Sonnenschein waren wir zu Gast im Maste Barendorf in Iserlohn, einer kleinen historischen Fabrikanlage aus dem 19.Jahrhundert, wo - was sonst - die Nadelproduktion angesiedelt war.
In diesem schönen Fachwerkgebäude hatten wir unsere Stube eingerichtet.
This past weekend we've finally had our first exhibition.
With bright blue skies and sunshine we've been invited at the Maste Barendorf in Iserlohn, which is a small historical industrial site, where needles have been produced in the 19th century.
We've had our little chamber in this beautiful timbered house.

Andrea  und Sabine

Ein Rundblick durch die Schneiderstube (Teile des Inventars stammen aus einer alten Werkstatt eines Herrenschneiders)
The view 'round our little chamber (parts of the furniture have been from a former tailor's workshop)

Wir hatten buchstäblich ein Zimmer mit Aussicht und da ich noch immer ein bisschen angeschlagen von der Musselinkrankheit (sprich: Erkältung) war,
habe ich die meiste Zeit - wie in den Bildern von Caspar David Friedrich - am Fenster verbracht und mir die Welt da draußen angeschaut...
We literary had a room with a view and as I still suffered from the muslin fever (aka cold), I've spent most of the time  - like in the C.D. Friedrich's paintings - sitting at the window looking at the world outside...
Der Herr des Hauses und eine Freundin, die für uns flanieren durfte
My husband and a good friend, who walked for us among the visitors

Das Sonntagskleid (und - ups - eine moderne Brille)
The Sunday's best (and - oops - modern eyewear)

Es waren zwei rundum wunderschöne und interessante Tage!
We've all had two lovely and very interesting days!

5 Kommentare:

  1. How terrific! So neat to see everything all set up, and to be in the window, just as in the paintings. Was there a little platform there, with a little chair, so that you could truly sit at the window?

    Very best,


  2. It's exactly the window in the 1st picture. We've brought two chairs and a small sewing table and placed it inside at the window...we've had sunny 25 degrees Celsius on saturday and the window remained open the whole day. We've had many a chat with people passing by. At times the little chamber was really overcrowded as the visitors thoroughly enjoyed stepping a bit back in time. It was such fun!

  3. What a lovely display. It looks as though you stepped out of time :) Wonderful!

  4. Sehr schöne Bilder, alles mit Liebe arrangiert und so stimmig! Das waren sicherlich zwei schöne Tage!
