Lauter Fäden führen...

Donnerstag, 21. Juli 2011

In Erinnerung... die einstige und unvergessene Hüterin aller Fäden und des feinsten Zwirns.
Stete Quelle für Anmut und laissez-faire, mit ihr an der Seite, brachte mich nichts aus der Ruhe.
Sie verstand es wie keine zweite Schnittmuster zu lesen...zzzZZZZZZ.
Meine erste und unvergessene Schneiderkatze.
In loving memory
of the former and never to be forgotten keeper of all threads and precious fabrics.
Constant source for grace and laissez-faire, who taught me to remain calm even when all threads were twisted.
She knew how to read paper patterns...zzzZZZZZZ.
My first and once foremost tailor's cat.

 Frl. Nellie (März 1995 - 21.Juli 2009)

8 Kommentare:

  1. Oh, I'm so sorry, Sabine. She is a beautiful cat.

  2. Thank you for your kind words, Jenni. It's now two years ago, but we still miss our golden girl.
    She was very attached to me (and vice versa), especially when I sat down to sew (or write) - Frl. Nellie was my "heart cat".

  3. Keine Zeit löschen kann die Erinnerung an eine gute Katze, und keine Menge Klebeband kann jemals vollständig zu entfernen sein Fell vom Sofa aus. ~ Leo Dworken

  4. Dear Sabine,
    Dear kitty, so calm and serene in that eternal image. Have a lump in the throat looking at her. They are close friends, the companions of our quiet moments, source of amusement, like tiny children loved and loving purely, without strings.
    Hugs in your direction,

  5. Thank you very much, Natalie. Very well said! Cats know how to turn a house into a home!

  6. Soooo sweet :( What a lovely tribute to your girl.

  7. Thank you so much, Lauren. Indeed it was this cute orange girl, who taught me to handsew, because she hated the sound of the sewing machine. She always loved to settle down on the fabric, while I sew...:)
