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Freitag, 30. März 2012

Fundstücke März

Beim Stöbern in den unendlichen Weiten des Internets, trifft man nicht selten auf wahre Schätze.
Erst neulich bin ich zufällig auf diesen wunderbaren Stich von Elisa von Lützow, geb. von Ahlefeldt (1788-1855) aus dem Jahr 1816 gestoßen.
Bedauerlich, dass es von ihr in ihrer herrlichen Garderobe kein farbiges Portrait gibt, aber da bleibt es der Vorstellungskraft überlassen. Wunderbar der fein gefältete Kragen der Chemisette, der über einem wirklich aufregenden Spencer aufragt - welche Farbe er wohl gehabt haben mag?
While tracking the sheer endless widths of the internet, often rare treasures emerge.
Fairly recently I stumbled over a lovely plate of Elisa von Lützow, née von Ahlefeldt (1788-1855), originate in the year 1816.
Unfortunatley this is the only existing picture and we have no coloured portrait of her in her beautiful wardrobe, thus it's completely up to our own imagination. Enjoy the magnificent details of the fine pleats on the chemisette, which rise over a formidable spencer - take a guess of what colour it was made?
Quelle/source googlebooks

Ein weiteres beliebtes Sujet neben der Portraitdarstellung einer einzelnen Person, war die Darstellung von Freundschaft, welche während der Epoche der Romantik mit besonderer Innigkeit gepflegt wurde, sowohl in überlieferten Briefen, Gedichten als auch Gemälden.
Ein schönes Beispiel stammt aus dem geübten Pinselstrich des Malers Philipp Otto Runge (1777-1810).
Zu dem eigentlichen Bild "Wir drei" (auf dem neben ihm - im Selbstportrait - seine Frau Pauline und sein Bruder Daniel dargestellt sind) gibt es sogar noch eine Vorzeichnung aus dem Jahr 1805.
Another favourite topic, along with the portrait of a single character, has been the depiction of true Friendship, which was - during the epoch of Romanticism - often expressed accordingly heartfelt and intimate in letters, poetry and paintings.
A gem of this genre emanated from the fine lines of the painter Philipp Otto Runge (1777-1810).
There's a study being done by him before the actual painting called "We three" (where he painted himself next to his wife Pauline and his brother Daniel) in the year 1805.

Das eigentliche Bild wurde im Jahr 1931 bei einem Brand zerstört, aber - Glück im Unglück - gibt es noch Abbildungen, welche das Freundschaftsbild aus dem Jahr 1805 zeigen. 
The actual painting was unfortunately destroyed in 1931 in a fire, but luckily there are still copies available, which show the painting of the year 1805.

Auf der Suche nach Anregungen für Kleidungsstücke, lohnt es sich doch immer, die Augen für faszinierende Details offen zu halten!
While searching for inspiration for garments, it's always worth keeping one's eyes open for intriguiging details!

3 Kommentare:

  1. Dear Sabine,

    The title "Wir drei" says a great deal, doesn't it! I rather prefer the drawing; in its sketchy state it's more as if the three were children; just out of the age of play and into adulthood; in the finished painting -- copy of it, anyhow -- the attitudes of adulthood are more evident, aren't they?

    Normally I am not fond of later Regency hairstyles, but Elisa von Lützow has a handsome do, doesn't she? The height in back is nicely made; perhaps because my eyes are tuned to modern "bumps".

    Very best,


    1. Dear Natalie,

      I very much agree on that hairdo! It looks lovely and very feminine, yet a bit bold, too!

      Isn't it amazing that we have the opportunity to compare both the painting and the study (by the way I didn't even know that there was such a study until Mme du Jard kindly pointed my attention to it!). There are so many changes from the study to the real piece and true, I wouldn't even have recognized Runge's wife Pauline, she looks very different in the study.

      I'm glad you've enjoyed this month's finds :)


  2. thank you for sharing this portrait of Wir Drei. i studied art history back in college, and the accompanying article about the self portrait you shared was simply fascinating. the sketch is interesting as well--they are more sympathetic to my eyes in this version. the painting seems to house more melancholy secrets. Hm.
